pressure plate

If you drive a car, truck, or SUV with a manual transmission, the pressure plate is an integral part of your vehicle. From Nott's Automotive in Sarasota, here’s what you need to know.


The term “overdrive” is one you are most likely familiar with. What is overdrive though, really, and why is it important? Nott's Automotive in Sarasota, FL has the answer.


Starter issues don’t necessarily indicate a bad starter; sometimes a transmission related issue is at fault. If you are experiencing starter difficulties, Nott's Automotive in Sarasota has the information you need.


If you drive a car, truck, or SUV with a manual transmission, you may have heard the term “pilot bearing” or “pilot bushing” before. At Nott's Automotive in Sarasota, we know that the first step to keeping your vehicle maintained is knowing something about how it works. Here’s some helpful information on the pilot bearing, and how to know if yours needs to be replaced.


If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you’ve undoubtedly been told that you’re supposed to downshift to slow down, instead of relying completely on the brakes. But what is the science behind that, and does it matter? Nott's Automotive in Sarasota explains.

throwout bearing

A throw out bearing, sometimes called a thrust bearing, is an essential component of your clutch system. If you drive a car, truck, or SUV that’s equipped with a manual transmission, it’s important to know if your throw out bearing needs to be replaced. Here’s some information on the throw out bearing, from Nott's Automotive in Sarasota.

clutch disc

If you drive a car with a manual transmission, you already know you have a clutch. But what exactly is it, and what does it do? At Nott's Automotive in Sarasota, we believe that knowing a little more about your car better prepares you to keep it maintained. Here’s what you should know about your clutch disc.


Does your transmission shudder when you take off from a stop? Nott's Automotive in Sarasota, FL can fix that for you.

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Nott's Automotive

979 S Packinghouse Rd
Sarasota, FL 34232
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